Mayor Wang Ji to Jilin high-tech zone research

来源:   时间: 2024-06-05 07:33

  On June 3, Mayor Wang Ji visited Jilin High-tech Zone for research on key project construction, enterprise production and operation。Vice Mayor Cui Zhigang, Jilin High-tech Zone Party Working Committee Secretary Zhang Shouhua, management committee director Jiao Jiguo accompanied the investigation。

  In the annual output of 15 million new energy automobile tires project site, Wang Ji detailed review of plant renovation and equipment approach, understand product development, project production and personnel recruitment and other related work, emphasizing that it is important to focus on the production time node, speed up the installation of equipment。In the Sino-German Industrial Park and new energy Automobile Industrial Park, Wang Ji inspected the construction progress of the park and the production and operation of the settled enterprises on the spot, requiring the relevant departments to accurately match the needs, strengthen the service guarantee, do a good job in the whole process management, and promote the project to accelerate the construction and put into operation as soon as possible。In FAW Jilin Automobile Co., LTD., Wang Ji understands the current production and operation situation of the enterprise, and encourages the enterprise to do everything possible to grasp the operation and promote development。

  Wangji emphasis,要深入贯彻习近平总书记在新时代推动东北全面振兴座谈会上的重要讲话精神,To high-quality development as the lead,Unswervingly highlight the "high" and "new" characteristics,Vigorously support the development of specialized and special new enterprises,We will accelerate the development of new - and high-technology industrial projects,We will promote the transformation and upgrading of leading industries and improve their quality and efficiency。We should have the courage to take actions to meet the development requirements of first-class national development zones, improve the level of scientific and technological innovation, and enhance the degree of economic contribution。It is necessary to gather strength to promote the "second entrepreneurship", accelerate the cultivation and development of new quality productive forces, and constantly create a new situation of high-quality development of high-tech zones。